Windows 7 Boot vs iOS 4 on iPhone 3G

Among the various performance issues I’ve experienced since upgrading my iPhone 3G to iOS 4 are boot times.

I’ve noticed over the past few weeks that the phone has been taking considerably more time booting up and down and it’s getting annoying.  So this morning I put my iPhone to the test… not in a lab but on my desk with nothing but my Windows 7 desktop and my handheld camera. My suspicions were iOS4 vs Windows 7 boot up was about the same which seems unreasonable.  My expectation as a consumer is that the iPhone should not take this long.

I’ve been using this phone daily for nearly 2 years now and sensed right away that the iPhone performance degraded since upgrading, it’s simply not the same phone that I’ve come to love. In fact in my opinion it’s terrible, I plan on regressing it until Apple makes it right.

There should be no comparison, Windows 7 is cranking up with far more hardware and 3rd party software and services. Something Apple doesn’t allow for and what they’ve clearly stated are performance reasons in addition to an unbending desire to have all software built on the iPhone API stack.