Parse Json in MonoDevelop with C#

I need to consume Json in an iPhone project and for what ever reason, I’m <still> unable to get the preferred NewtonSoft.Json library to work in a MonoDevelop Project… thus, I’m giving System.Json a whirl. My end point call with an appended UISearchBar value appended looks something like this: var request = HttpWebRequest.Create (string.Format (@”your… Continue reading Parse Json in MonoDevelop with C#

Locating Your MonoDevelop Web Reference Properties

I have a Monotouch hobby project that I haven’t opened in a couple of Months because I’ve been too busy.  It’s a simple project that will let me upload an image from my iPhone to a cloud service with tags, sharing and notification options. The cloud service is my own, I built it and I’ve added… Continue reading Locating Your MonoDevelop Web Reference Properties

Let Me Help You Out Netflix

Netflix, here are 2 features that your iPad app customers will love you for and won’t cost you 1m dollars. #1 Viewing Profile Management I have a family of 3 and we all use Netflix. However, all of the suggestions and recently watched movies/shows are heavily weighted towards last known activity. Because I’m the least… Continue reading Let Me Help You Out Netflix

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Thanks SQL Joe!

Thanks to SQL Joe for posting this, I was having the exact same problem activating my Windows 8 Enterprise license. Windows 8 Activation Error: DNS name does not exist.

HP Apps To Remove If You Want To Upgrade To Windows 8 From Windows 7 Pro

If you’re running an HP ProBook and want to upgrade from Windows 7 Pro to Windows 8 Pro or Enterprise then you’ll need to remove some OEM Apps that HP installed at the factory. When you first run the Windows 8 installation, the software will run some tests to search for incompatible software. You’ll be… Continue reading HP Apps To Remove If You Want To Upgrade To Windows 8 From Windows 7 Pro

What’s Your Favorite Tony Scott Film?

Sad to hear news that Tony Scott has died. I’ve enjoyed his movies over the years. Most people will obviously remember Tony for directing “Top Gun” which was a huge hit in the 80s. My favorite Tony Scott films are Crimson Tide and Enemy of the State.

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