Among the various performance issues I’ve experienced since upgrading my iPhone 3G to iOS 4 are boot times. I’ve noticed over the past few weeks that the phone has been taking considerably more time booting up and down and it’s getting annoying. So this morning I put my iPhone to the test… not in a… Continue reading Windows 7 Boot vs iOS 4 on iPhone 3G
It’s Nice To Be Back In Florida
It’s nice to be back in Florida but does it have to rain all day? I was hoping for pool, sunshine and relaxation.
Impressive CSS IntelliSense In Visual Studio 2010
I know this is really minor but for someone that has been using the product since the Visual InterDev days I appreciate this feature. Microsoft finally baked external .css file intellisense into Visual Studio with the 2010 release. Here’s a quick screenshot. What’s more impressive when looking closer is how Visual Studio figures it all… Continue reading Impressive CSS IntelliSense In Visual Studio 2010
Pandora Shuts Down After iPhone iOS 4.0 Upgrade – How To Prevent
Updated: I’ve added a snippet of the crash log which indicates low memory. If you recently updated your iPhone 3G OS to iOS 4.0 and immediately started experiencing 5-10 minute Pandora shutdown intervals there is a simple fix. Reboot the iPhone. Go to the App Store and download version 3.1.2 for Pandora from your Updates… Continue reading Pandora Shuts Down After iPhone iOS 4.0 Upgrade – How To Prevent
Why The Opera Approval For iPhone Was The Right Move
Looking back on the past 2 weeks of publicity and limited response from Apple I applaud this move, getting a second browser to the iPhone. It was certainly the right choice and I don’t believe it has anything to do with the Flash frenzy that is still simmering. Opera took on considerable financial risk in… Continue reading Why The Opera Approval For iPhone Was The Right Move
Achieving Vast Consumer Love Should Be Handled With Care
There is an awful lot being written in the blogosphere about Steve Jobs and Apple right now. Much of it leans negative regarding Apples’ decision to essentially close the door on other frameworks existing on the iPhone operating system. Personally, I agree with community, I don’t really understand this stubbornness in 2010 and it actually… Continue reading Achieving Vast Consumer Love Should Be Handled With Care
Stretching Out Platform Upgrades In Small I.T. Shops
This evening I went back to my office to work on a Project that kicks off next week. It’s a fairly large project in scope and my team is responsible for staging the project pieces into our ERP and PSA Solution. I specifically will own the Project setup in the Professional Services Automation platform and… Continue reading Stretching Out Platform Upgrades In Small I.T. Shops
Hello world!
Hello world, this my blog where I’m gonna talk about stuff that I do. I’m still setting my blog up so you might see some garden variety template things hanging around.