Let Me Help You Out Netflix

Netflix, here are 2 features that your iPad app customers will love you for and won’t cost you 1m dollars.

#1 Viewing Profile Management

I have a family of 3 and we all use Netflix. However, all of the suggestions and recently watched movies/shows are heavily weighted towards last known activity.

Because I’m the least active user in the house, none of the suggestions or recently watched catalog items have anything to do with my interests or activity and because I’m watching only once per week and the rest of the household members watch daily, I have no chance to train the system to understand my interests.

This creates a a not so great user experience. I find myself browsing the catalog for 45 minutes just to locate something of interest.

If you introduce Viewing Profiles then we could select our Profile after logging into the account thus paving a way for the system to maintain an independent viewing history per profile.

#2 New Releases

Why can’t we have a “New Releases” category in the category browse menu on the ipad app? This is such a no-brainer that it makes absolutely no sense that it doesn’t already exist.

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