Thanks to SQL Joe for posting this, I was having the exact same problem activating my Windows 8 Enterprise license. Windows 8 Activation Error: DNS name does not exist.
Category: Windows
HP Apps To Remove If You Want To Upgrade To Windows 8 From Windows 7 Pro
If you’re running an HP ProBook and want to upgrade from Windows 7 Pro to Windows 8 Pro or Enterprise then you’ll need to remove some OEM Apps that HP installed at the factory. When you first run the Windows 8 installation, the software will run some tests to search for incompatible software. You’ll be… Continue reading HP Apps To Remove If You Want To Upgrade To Windows 8 From Windows 7 Pro
Maybe It’s Time To Rethink VMWare Fusion
I’ve been a big fan of VMWare Fusion on my macs since I converted my home computers to mostly mac a few years ago. I love the product because it allows me to manage everything on 1 piece of hardware… well, almost everything. The one exception has been debugging in Visual Studio. I simply cannot… Continue reading Maybe It’s Time To Rethink VMWare Fusion
Incredible Outtakes From Microsoft Downfall Article
These are some outtakes from an online Vanity Fair article titled “Microsoft’s Downfall: Inside the Executive E-mails and Cannibalistic Culture That Felled a Tech Giant”. Today, a single Apple product—the iPhone—generates more revenue than all of Microsoft’s wares combined. a program that forces every unit to declare a certain percentage of employees as… Continue reading Incredible Outtakes From Microsoft Downfall Article
From Windows to Mac and Windows
Updated: 9/10/2011 – I’ve added Diigo Awesome Screenshot to my list of software I use on my Mac. Updated: 8/5/2011 – I’ve added Diagrammix to my list of Software that I use on my Mac. It has fairly decent Flow Charting capabilities, it’s $15 and it runs on Lion. I’ve slowly… Continue reading From Windows to Mac and Windows
Windows 7 Boot vs iOS 4 on iPhone 3G
Among the various performance issues I’ve experienced since upgrading my iPhone 3G to iOS 4 are boot times. I’ve noticed over the past few weeks that the phone has been taking considerably more time booting up and down and it’s getting annoying. So this morning I put my iPhone to the test… not in a… Continue reading Windows 7 Boot vs iOS 4 on iPhone 3G