Been experimenting with IFTTT and Microsoft Workflow on iPhone. Really liking IFTTT, tons of useful templates and better authentication integration. Nothing worse than trying out a fancy new app only to have authentication issues connecting to services and Workflow from Microsoft looks promising but crashes a lot unfortunately.
Category: Foo
Countdown to Zero Day
Looking forward to reading this one! I ordered Countdown to Zero Day: Stuxnet and the Launch of the World’s First Digital Weapon by Kim Zetter from Amazon… should arrive by Wednesday in time for me to read on my next trip.
Let Me Help You Out Netflix
Netflix, here are 2 features that your iPad app customers will love you for and won’t cost you 1m dollars. #1 Viewing Profile Management I have a family of 3 and we all use Netflix. However, all of the suggestions and recently watched movies/shows are heavily weighted towards last known activity. Because I’m the least… Continue reading Let Me Help You Out Netflix
What’s Your Favorite Tony Scott Film?
Sad to hear news that Tony Scott has died. I’ve enjoyed his movies over the years. Most people will obviously remember Tony for directing “Top Gun” which was a huge hit in the 80s. My favorite Tony Scott films are Crimson Tide and Enemy of the State.
The FBI Child ID App Doesn’t Have
Password protection… I’m in agreement with some of the Customer Reviews on iTunes. This App should have its own security and strong passwords should be enforced. Apps like this are good but I think they should also include a Privacy Policy considering the nature of the information. In fairness, the FBI does include a disclaimer note… Continue reading The FBI Child ID App Doesn’t Have
Not Bothered By NetFlix Pricing Changes
There seems to be quite the dust up over the NetFlix Policy changes that occurred this week. This post from Gigaom states that “people hate it”. I’m OK with it. Up until yesterday I was on the DVD and Streaming Plan for $10 per month. Obviously, if I wanted to keep that plan my price… Continue reading Not Bothered By NetFlix Pricing Changes
Today Is #4sqDay 2011
I got this neato foursquare badge checking in at the Dry Cleaner this morning.
Hello world!
Hello world, this my blog where I’m gonna talk about stuff that I do. I’m still setting my blog up so you might see some garden variety template things hanging around.