Viewing .msg Files On A Mac

Give MSG Viewer for Outlook a try if you are looking for a simple way to view an .msg file on your Mac. Handles Microsoft Outlook msg, oft and winmail.dat files

Categorized as Apple

Apple Broadband Tuner 1.0 for High Speed FiOS Connections

If you’re running a wired FiOS connection greater than 35Mbps up/down on your Mac and your not getting the speed that you’re expecting then take a look at the Apple Broadband Tuner. I recently upgraded my bandwidth but noticed that I was not receiving my contractual download speed. Once the larger buffers were set up… Continue reading Apple Broadband Tuner 1.0 for High Speed FiOS Connections

Pandora Shuts Down After iPhone iOS 4.0 Upgrade – How To Prevent

Updated: I’ve added a snippet of the crash log which indicates low memory. If you recently updated your iPhone 3G OS to iOS 4.0 and immediately started experiencing 5-10 minute Pandora shutdown intervals there is a simple fix. Reboot the iPhone. Go to the App Store and download version 3.1.2 for Pandora from your Updates… Continue reading Pandora Shuts Down After iPhone iOS 4.0 Upgrade – How To Prevent

Categorized as Apple