Not Bothered By NetFlix Pricing Changes

There seems to be quite the dust up over the NetFlix Policy changes that occurred this week. This post from Gigaom states that “people hate it”. I’m OK with it.

Up until yesterday I was on the DVD and Streaming Plan for $10 per month. Obviously, if I wanted to keep that plan my price was going to increase to $16. At $10 though, I think I had a great deal… probably the best service for my money. The truth of the matter is that while I did have the DVD option, it was rarely used. In fact, mostly I would find myself holding onto the DVDs for weeks/months at a time but rarely watching.

So, for me Stream only option is the ticket! I get unlimited streaming which is what I’m used to and I don’t really need the DVD because it’s rarely used. In the end I’m saving $2 per month. Works for me.

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